JeParle Language App

Bridging human interaction into language learning
New Jersey, USA
Mobile App
Mock-Up for Portfolio
Designer, Researcher,
Education services
June 2022-
August 2022
Why I made this project
Language learning apps like Duolingo dominate app stores, yet 90% of language learning still happens offline due to the limited focus of existing apps on vocabulary and grammar. As a passionate language learner, I created JeParle, a mock-up app, drawing from my work experience and UX knowledge to address this gap.
User Research
For JeParle, I conducted research on features aimed at enhancing the user experience for language learning. I analyzed competitor apps to identify their strengths and weaknesses, gathering insights on desired features. Two tests were conducted: user interviews to gauge habits and app impressions, and surveys on feature importance. Targeting college students aged 18-25 fluent in multiple languages, participants were recruited via social media platforms such as Reddit and Twitter. The sample sizes included 32 interviews and 20 surveys.

Research Findings

The user interviews consisted of asking the respondents the following questions:
How do you study foreign languages? What methods and/or tools do you use?
What are some of your biggest challenges when learning a language? What do you do to overcome it?
What makes language learning so enjoyable to you?
Many of the participates concluded the biggest struggles on language apps are that they focus on grammar and vocabulary but don't allow users to practice other crucial skills like speaking and writing, instrumental to learning a language.
“I live in Cleveland, Ohio and there just aren't many French native speakers. I have to try really hard to find language partners via messaging apps like Hellotalk just to get practice in. It's discouraging and sometimes makes me feel like I live in the wrong place."
When researching competitors, I found three apps language learners use to learn the sought after skills they need: Anki (vocabulary), Hellotalk (speaking, writing), and Duolingo (grammar. To get a sense of what the users wanted, I looked at Google Play reviews as well as asked users in the interview process to get what they like and disliked about the apps.
Flow Diagram
For User Flows, I created a visual roadmap to navigate the app efficiently, ensuring features didn't require excessive page toggling. I'm pleased with the outcome; no section demands too many toggles.

Low-fidelity Wireframes

To help conceptualize ideas for the app, I drew  UX sketches to provide a visual of what was going to be communicated with each given interface. This also assisted me to understand  how to present certain features for the app.  

High-fidelity Wireframes
User Test
After completing the high-fidelity design and installing components/interactions on the prototype, I sought feedback on the user experience to identify areas for improvement. When conducting user tests, I ensured to select users who had experience with language learning apps and spoke multiple languages at different proficiency levels. Below, you'll find the profiles of each user who tested the app.
User #1
  • Speaks 2 languages.
  • Used language apps to learn their 2nd language.
  • Uses Quizlet and other study apps for other topics.
User #2
  • Speaks 3 languages.
  • Learned languages from immersion methods.
  • Is a foreign language professor
User #3
  • Speaks 5 languages.
  • Learned languages from apps and immersion method.
  • is a UI/UX Designer and understands interface design.
I asked the users a few questions about the app and its functionality to judge if there needed to be modifications to the user experience.
How was navigating on the app? Was it easy to find what you were looking for and did you ever feel lost?
How was the coloring and typography? Did you feel anything felt out of place or unpleasant?
Would you change anything about the design or add any features to the app?
Notable Responses
“I like the colors you chose. Its really pleasant on the eye”
Paulina H.
“You should add some more vector icons next to the categories.”
Karen P.
“A lot of apps focus on word to word translation. Its great you illustrate images so it keeps them in the language.”
Kyle C.
Users appreciated the color palette and typography but suggested some UX adjustments were needed such as adding more details to the podcast section to understand better what they would be listening to.
The User Testing proved to be a great success and gave me insight to some changes that made after the tests.
Home Dashboard
Media Player
  • JeParle was born out of a personal passion for learning languages. The process of doing user interviews opened my eyes to other learners' needs when it comes to language apps. While the learners had different motivations and goals for learning a particular language, they shared the challenge of accessing tools to practice speaking and writing skills.

  • As a next step, I want to explore the impact of improving discoverability for learners' topics of interest. Some ideas include adding a search bar or tagging. I believe that learners will be more motivated and engaged to practice by connecting learners with materials related to their interests.

Gregorio Gangala
Product Designer